Module etabsninja.get_functions
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from etabsninja.general_functions import *
from colorama import Fore, Style
def get_story_data(SapModel):
story_data (list). The is a nested list with each element consists of
#Get the data using API
#Separate the data to lists
# Create a dictionary to hold the data
story_data_dict = {
'Name': story_nms[::-1],
'Elevation (in)': [round(ele, 3) for ele in story_eles[::-1]],
'Story height (in)': [round(hgt, 3) for hgt in story_hgts[::-1]],
'Master Story': is_master_story[::-1],
'Similar to': similar_to_story[::-1],
'Splice above': splice_above[::-1],
'Splice height': splice_height[::-1]
# Create a DataFrame from the dictionary
story_data = pd.DataFrame(story_data_dict)
return story_data
def get_all_frames(SapModel):
frames_data (DataFrame): A DataFrame with data of all frames.
# Get the frame objects using the API
frame_objs = SapModel.FrameObj.GetAllFrames()
# Create an empty list to hold frame data
frames = []
# Populate the frames list with data from frame_objs
for i in range(frame_objs[0]):
frameNm = frame_objs[1][i]
prop = frame_objs[2][i]
story = frame_objs[3][i]
pt1 = frame_objs[4][i]
pt2 = frame_objs[5][i]
x1 = frame_objs[6][i]
y1 = frame_objs[7][i]
z1 = frame_objs[8][i]
x2 = frame_objs[9][i]
y2 = frame_objs[10][i]
z2 = frame_objs[11][i]
rot = frame_objs[12][i]
offX1 = frame_objs[13][i]
offY1 = frame_objs[14][i]
offZ1 = frame_objs[15][i]
offX2 = frame_objs[16][i]
offY2 = frame_objs[17][i]
offZ2 = frame_objs[18][i]
cardPt = frame_objs[19][i]
frameNm, prop, story,
pt1, pt2,
x1, y1, z1,
x2, y2, z2,
offX1, offY1, offZ1,
offX2, offY2, offZ2,
# Create a DataFrame from the list
columns = [
'Frame Name', 'Property', 'Story',
'Point 1', 'Point 2',
'X1', 'Y1', 'Z1',
'X2', 'Y2', 'Z2',
'Offset X1', 'Offset Y1', 'Offset Z1',
'Offset X2', 'Offset Y2', 'Offset Z2',
'Cardinal Point'
frames_data = pd.DataFrame(frames, columns=columns)
return frames_data
def get_all_materials(SapModel):
Gets the materials in the current model. Will return in units mm, N & MPa.
If the property type is either 'Concrete' or 'Steel', the function will
be expanded so that the strength of materials are included.
materials : Type dict
# Set the Etabs units, all strength of materials will be returned in MPa
# SapModel.SetPresentUnits(9);
# switch to k-in units
kip_in_F = 3
ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(kip_in_F)
# Etabs material type enumerators
for i in range(mat_name_list[0]):
return materials;
def get_all_points(SapModel,inc_restraint=True):
This will return all the points of the model.
SapModel : SapModel.Pointer
inc_restraint : boolean (set True for restraints to be included
to points list)
units : str. Default to 'mm'
points : list (Points in current Etabs model). Elements in the points
list if inc_restraint==False [pt_nm,x,y,z]. If inc_restraint==True the
point element = [pt_nm,x,y,z,(FUx,FUy,FUz,FRx,FRy,FRz)]
#initiate a temporary list to contain the restrained points data
for i in range(numberPts):
#Initiate the points list
for i in range(numberPts):
# Define column names
if inc_restraint:
columns = ['Point Name', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Restraint']
columns = ['Point Name', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
# Create a DataFrame from the list
points_data = pd.DataFrame(points, columns=columns)
return points_data
def get_StoryDriftsForStories(SapModel, LoadCaseList=["Dead"], predefined_max_drift = 0.0025):
df (DataFrame). A data frame with all the drifts of the stories for a single case.
#Get the data using API
TableName = "Story Drifts"
TableFields = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetAllFieldsInTable(TableName)[2]
JointDrifts = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray(TableName, TableFields, "All")[4]
TableFieldsIncluded = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray(TableName, TableFields, "All")[2]
# Determine the number of columns
NumColumns = len(TableFieldsIncluded)
# Reshape the JointDrifts list into a 2D array with the appropriate dimensions
joint_drifts_array = [JointDrifts[i:i+NumColumns] for i in range(0, len(JointDrifts), NumColumns)]
# Create the DataFrame using the reshaped array and the column names
df = pd.DataFrame(joint_drifts_array, columns=TableFieldsIncluded)
# Convert 'Drift' column to float
df[['Drift']] = df[['Drift']].astype(float)
# Group the DataFrame by 'Story' and calculate the minimum and maximum values of 'Drift'
df = df.groupby(['Story','Direction'])[['Drift']].agg(['max'])
# Flatten the column names by joining them with an underscore
df.columns = ['_'.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values]
# Reset the index to make 'Story' a regular column
# Pivot the DataFrame to create separate columns for 'DriftX' and 'DriftY' values
df = df.pivot(index='Story', columns='Direction', values='Drift_max').reset_index()
# Rename the columns
df.columns = ['Story', 'DriftX_max', 'DriftY_max']
# Sort the DataFrame by 'Story' column in alphabetical order
df = df.sort_values('Story', ascending=True)
# Create a scatter plot with lines connecting the points
plt.plot(df['DriftX_max'], df['Story'], label='DriftX_max')
plt.plot(df['DriftY_max'], df['Story'], label='DriftY_max')
# Add labels and title
plt.title('Drift vs. Story')
# Add a legend
# Get the maximum value of Drifts
max_drift_x = df['DriftX_max'].max()
max_drift_y = df['DriftY_max'].max()
bold_terminal("Story drift for stories check")
FU("Drift X", max_drift_x, predefined_max_drift)
FU("Drift Y", max_drift_y, predefined_max_drift)
return df
def get_StoryDriftsForJoints(SapModel, LoadCaseList=["Dead"], GroupName="All", predefined_max_drift = 0.0025):
df (DataFrame). A data frame with all the drifts of selected column Joints for all the stories.
JointsGroupName = GroupName # Put "All" for all nodes of the model
TableName = "Joint Drifts"
TableFields = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetAllFieldsInTable(TableName)[2]
JointDrifts = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray(TableName, TableFields, JointsGroupName)[4]
TableFieldsIncluded = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray(TableName, TableFields, "All")[2]
# Determine the number of columns
NumColumns = len(TableFieldsIncluded)
# Reshape the JointDrifts list into a 2D array with the appropriate dimensions
joint_drifts_array = [JointDrifts[i:i+NumColumns] for i in range(0, len(JointDrifts), NumColumns)]
# Create the DataFrame using the reshaped array and the column names
df = pd.DataFrame(joint_drifts_array, columns=TableFieldsIncluded)
# Convert 'DriftX' and 'DriftY' columns to float
df[['DriftX', 'DriftY']] = df[['DriftX', 'DriftY']].astype(float)
# Group the DataFrame by 'Story' and calculate the minimum and maximum values of 'DriftX' and 'DriftY'
df = df.groupby('Story')[['DriftX', 'DriftY']].agg(['max'])
# Flatten the column names by joining them with an underscore
df.columns = ['_'.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values]
# Reset the index to make 'Story' a regular column
# Sort the DataFrame by 'Story' column in alphabetical order
df = df.sort_values('Story', ascending=True)
# Create a scatter plot with lines connecting the points
plt.plot(df['DriftX_max'], df['Story'], label='DriftX_max')
plt.plot(df['DriftY_max'], df['Story'], label='DriftY_max')
# Add labels and title
plt.title('Drift vs. Story')
# Add a legend
# Get the maximum value of Drifts
max_drift_x = df['DriftX_max'].max()
max_drift_y = df['DriftY_max'].max()
bold_terminal("Story drift for selected joints check")
FU("Drift X", max_drift_x, predefined_max_drift)
FU("Drift Y", max_drift_y, predefined_max_drift)
return df
def get_DiaphragmCMDisplacements(SapModel, LoadCaseList=["Dead"], building_height = 100,max_BuildingDrift=1/400):
SapModel: Active SapModel to get results from.
LoadCaseList (list): List of load cases to get results from.
building_height (int): Total building height, in ft.
max_BuildingDrift (float): Maximum alllowable building drift.
df (DataFrame). A data frame with all the Center of Mass displacement of the stories for a list of cases.
#Get the data using API
TableFields = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetAllFieldsInTable('Diaphragm Center Of Mass Displacements')[3]
CMDisplacements = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray('Diaphragm Center Of Mass Displacements', TableFields, "All")[4]
TableFieldsIncluded = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray('Diaphragm Center Of Mass Displacements', TableFields, "All")[2]
# Determine the number of columns
NumColumns = len(TableFieldsIncluded)
# Reshape the JointDrifts list into a 2D array with the appropriate dimensions
CMDisplacements_array = [CMDisplacements[i:i+NumColumns] for i in range(0, len(CMDisplacements), NumColumns)]
# Create the DataFrame using the reshaped array and the column names
df = pd.DataFrame(CMDisplacements_array, columns=TableFieldsIncluded)
# Convert 'UY' and 'UY column to float
df[['UX','UY']] = df[['UX','UY']].astype(float)
# Group the DataFrame by 'Story' and calculate the minimum and maximum values of 'Drift'
# df = df.groupby(['Story'])[['UX', 'UY']].agg(['max','min'])
df = df.groupby('Story')[['UX', 'UY']].agg(lambda x: abs(x).max())
# Reset the index to make 'Story' a regular column
# Sort the DataFrame by 'Story' column in alphabetical order
df = df.sort_values('Story', ascending=True)
# Create a scatter plot with lines connecting the points
plt.plot(df['UX'], df['Story'], label='UX_max')
# plt.plot(df['UX_min'], df['Story'], label='UX_min')
plt.plot(df['UY'], df['Story'], label='UY_max')
# plt.plot(df['UY_min'], df['Story'], label='UY_min')
# Add labels and title
plt.xlabel('CM Displacement')
plt.title('CM Displacement vs. Story')
# Add a legend
# Get the maximum value of Drifts
max_displacement_x = df['UX'].max()
max_displacement_y = df['UY'].max()
bold_terminal("Diaphragm Center of Mass total displacement check")
FU("CM Displacement X", max_displacement_x, building_height*12*max_BuildingDrift)
FU("CM Displacement Y", max_displacement_y, building_height*12*max_BuildingDrift)
return df
def get_DiaphragmCMDisplacements(SapModel, LoadCaseList=['Dead'], building_height=100, max_BuildingDrift=0.0025)
SapModel: Active SapModel to get results from. LoadCaseList (list): List of load cases to get results from. building_height (int): Total building height, in ft. max_BuildingDrift (float): Maximum alllowable building drift. returns: df (DataFrame). A data frame with all the Center of Mass displacement of the stories for a list of cases.
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def get_DiaphragmCMDisplacements(SapModel, LoadCaseList=["Dead"], building_height = 100,max_BuildingDrift=1/400): """ Parameters: SapModel: Active SapModel to get results from. LoadCaseList (list): List of load cases to get results from. building_height (int): Total building height, in ft. max_BuildingDrift (float): Maximum alllowable building drift. returns: df (DataFrame). A data frame with all the Center of Mass displacement of the stories for a list of cases. """ #Get the data using API SapModel.DatabaseTables.SetLoadCasesSelectedForDisplay(LoadCaseList) TableFields = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetAllFieldsInTable('Diaphragm Center Of Mass Displacements')[3] CMDisplacements = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray('Diaphragm Center Of Mass Displacements', TableFields, "All")[4] TableFieldsIncluded = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray('Diaphragm Center Of Mass Displacements', TableFields, "All")[2] # Determine the number of columns NumColumns = len(TableFieldsIncluded) # Reshape the JointDrifts list into a 2D array with the appropriate dimensions CMDisplacements_array = [CMDisplacements[i:i+NumColumns] for i in range(0, len(CMDisplacements), NumColumns)] # Create the DataFrame using the reshaped array and the column names df = pd.DataFrame(CMDisplacements_array, columns=TableFieldsIncluded) # Convert 'UY' and 'UY column to float df[['UX','UY']] = df[['UX','UY']].astype(float) # Group the DataFrame by 'Story' and calculate the minimum and maximum values of 'Drift' # df = df.groupby(['Story'])[['UX', 'UY']].agg(['max','min']) df = df.groupby('Story')[['UX', 'UY']].agg(lambda x: abs(x).max()) # Reset the index to make 'Story' a regular column df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Sort the DataFrame by 'Story' column in alphabetical order df = df.sort_values('Story', ascending=True) # Create a scatter plot with lines connecting the points plt.figure() plt.plot(df['UX'], df['Story'], label='UX_max') # plt.plot(df['UX_min'], df['Story'], label='UX_min') plt.plot(df['UY'], df['Story'], label='UY_max') # plt.plot(df['UY_min'], df['Story'], label='UY_min') # Add labels and title plt.xlabel('CM Displacement') plt.title('CM Displacement vs. Story') # Add a legend plt.legend() # Get the maximum value of Drifts max_displacement_x = df['UX'].max() max_displacement_y = df['UY'].max() bold_terminal("Diaphragm Center of Mass total displacement check") FU("CM Displacement X", max_displacement_x, building_height*12*max_BuildingDrift) FU("CM Displacement Y", max_displacement_y, building_height*12*max_BuildingDrift) return df
def get_StoryDriftsForJoints(SapModel, LoadCaseList=['Dead'], GroupName='All', predefined_max_drift=0.0025)
returns: df (DataFrame). A data frame with all the drifts of selected column Joints for all the stories.
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def get_StoryDriftsForJoints(SapModel, LoadCaseList=["Dead"], GroupName="All", predefined_max_drift = 0.0025): """ returns: df (DataFrame). A data frame with all the drifts of selected column Joints for all the stories. """ JointsGroupName = GroupName # Put "All" for all nodes of the model TableName = "Joint Drifts" SapModel.DatabaseTables.SetLoadCasesSelectedForDisplay(LoadCaseList) TableFields = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetAllFieldsInTable(TableName)[2] JointDrifts = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray(TableName, TableFields, JointsGroupName)[4] TableFieldsIncluded = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray(TableName, TableFields, "All")[2] # Determine the number of columns NumColumns = len(TableFieldsIncluded) # Reshape the JointDrifts list into a 2D array with the appropriate dimensions joint_drifts_array = [JointDrifts[i:i+NumColumns] for i in range(0, len(JointDrifts), NumColumns)] # Create the DataFrame using the reshaped array and the column names df = pd.DataFrame(joint_drifts_array, columns=TableFieldsIncluded) # Convert 'DriftX' and 'DriftY' columns to float df[['DriftX', 'DriftY']] = df[['DriftX', 'DriftY']].astype(float) # Group the DataFrame by 'Story' and calculate the minimum and maximum values of 'DriftX' and 'DriftY' df = df.groupby('Story')[['DriftX', 'DriftY']].agg(['max']) # Flatten the column names by joining them with an underscore df.columns = ['_'.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values] # Reset the index to make 'Story' a regular column df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Sort the DataFrame by 'Story' column in alphabetical order df = df.sort_values('Story', ascending=True) # Create a scatter plot with lines connecting the points plt.figure() plt.plot(df['DriftX_max'], df['Story'], label='DriftX_max') plt.plot(df['DriftY_max'], df['Story'], label='DriftY_max') # Add labels and title plt.xlabel('Drift') plt.title('Drift vs. Story') # Add a legend plt.legend() # Get the maximum value of Drifts max_drift_x = df['DriftX_max'].max() max_drift_y = df['DriftY_max'].max() bold_terminal("Story drift for selected joints check") FU("Drift X", max_drift_x, predefined_max_drift) FU("Drift Y", max_drift_y, predefined_max_drift) return df
def get_StoryDriftsForStories(SapModel, LoadCaseList=['Dead'], predefined_max_drift=0.0025)
returns: df (DataFrame). A data frame with all the drifts of the stories for a single case.
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def get_StoryDriftsForStories(SapModel, LoadCaseList=["Dead"], predefined_max_drift = 0.0025): """ returns: df (DataFrame). A data frame with all the drifts of the stories for a single case. """ #Get the data using API SapModel.DatabaseTables.SetLoadCasesSelectedForDisplay(LoadCaseList) TableName = "Story Drifts" TableFields = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetAllFieldsInTable(TableName)[2] JointDrifts = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray(TableName, TableFields, "All")[4] TableFieldsIncluded = SapModel.DatabaseTables.GetTableForDisplayArray(TableName, TableFields, "All")[2] # Determine the number of columns NumColumns = len(TableFieldsIncluded) # Reshape the JointDrifts list into a 2D array with the appropriate dimensions joint_drifts_array = [JointDrifts[i:i+NumColumns] for i in range(0, len(JointDrifts), NumColumns)] # Create the DataFrame using the reshaped array and the column names df = pd.DataFrame(joint_drifts_array, columns=TableFieldsIncluded) # Convert 'Drift' column to float df[['Drift']] = df[['Drift']].astype(float) # Group the DataFrame by 'Story' and calculate the minimum and maximum values of 'Drift' df = df.groupby(['Story','Direction'])[['Drift']].agg(['max']) # Flatten the column names by joining them with an underscore df.columns = ['_'.join(col).strip() for col in df.columns.values] # Reset the index to make 'Story' a regular column df.reset_index(inplace=True) # Pivot the DataFrame to create separate columns for 'DriftX' and 'DriftY' values df = df.pivot(index='Story', columns='Direction', values='Drift_max').reset_index() # Rename the columns df.columns = ['Story', 'DriftX_max', 'DriftY_max'] # Sort the DataFrame by 'Story' column in alphabetical order df = df.sort_values('Story', ascending=True) # Create a scatter plot with lines connecting the points plt.plot(df['DriftX_max'], df['Story'], label='DriftX_max') plt.plot(df['DriftY_max'], df['Story'], label='DriftY_max') # Add labels and title plt.xlabel('Drift') plt.title('Drift vs. Story') # Add a legend plt.legend() # Get the maximum value of Drifts max_drift_x = df['DriftX_max'].max() max_drift_y = df['DriftY_max'].max() bold_terminal("Story drift for stories check") FU("Drift X", max_drift_x, predefined_max_drift) FU("Drift Y", max_drift_y, predefined_max_drift) return df
def get_all_frames(SapModel)
Returns: frames_data (DataFrame): A DataFrame with data of all frames.
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def get_all_frames(SapModel): """ Returns: frames_data (DataFrame): A DataFrame with data of all frames. """ # Get the frame objects using the API frame_objs = SapModel.FrameObj.GetAllFrames() # Create an empty list to hold frame data frames = [] # Populate the frames list with data from frame_objs for i in range(frame_objs[0]): frameNm = frame_objs[1][i] prop = frame_objs[2][i] story = frame_objs[3][i] pt1 = frame_objs[4][i] pt2 = frame_objs[5][i] x1 = frame_objs[6][i] y1 = frame_objs[7][i] z1 = frame_objs[8][i] x2 = frame_objs[9][i] y2 = frame_objs[10][i] z2 = frame_objs[11][i] rot = frame_objs[12][i] offX1 = frame_objs[13][i] offY1 = frame_objs[14][i] offZ1 = frame_objs[15][i] offX2 = frame_objs[16][i] offY2 = frame_objs[17][i] offZ2 = frame_objs[18][i] cardPt = frame_objs[19][i] frames.append([ frameNm, prop, story, pt1, pt2, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, rot, offX1, offY1, offZ1, offX2, offY2, offZ2, cardPt ]) # Create a DataFrame from the list columns = [ 'Frame Name', 'Property', 'Story', 'Point 1', 'Point 2', 'X1', 'Y1', 'Z1', 'X2', 'Y2', 'Z2', 'Rotation', 'Offset X1', 'Offset Y1', 'Offset Z1', 'Offset X2', 'Offset Y2', 'Offset Z2', 'Cardinal Point' ] frames_data = pd.DataFrame(frames, columns=columns) return frames_data
def get_all_materials(SapModel)
Gets the materials in the current model. Will return in units mm, N & MPa.
If the property type is either 'Concrete' or 'Steel', the function will be expanded so that the strength of materials are included.
Returns materials : Type dict
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def get_all_materials(SapModel): """ Gets the materials in the current model. Will return in units mm, N & MPa. If the property type is either 'Concrete' or 'Steel', the function will be expanded so that the strength of materials are included. Returns materials : Type dict """ # Set the Etabs units, all strength of materials will be returned in MPa # SapModel.SetPresentUnits(9); # switch to k-in units kip_in_F = 3 ret = SapModel.SetPresentUnits(kip_in_F) # Etabs material type enumerators mat_types={1:'Steel',2:'Concrete',3:'NoDesign',4:'Aluminum',5:'ColdFormed', 6:'Rebar',7:'Tendon',8:'Masonry'}; mat_name_list=SapModel.PropMaterial.GetNameList(); materials={}; for i in range(mat_name_list[0]): mat_name=mat_name_list[1][i]; mat_props=SapModel.PropMaterial.GetMaterial(mat_name); mat_type=mat_types[mat_props[0]]; if(mat_type=='Concrete'): mat_conc_prop=SapModel.PropMaterial.GetOConcrete_1(mat_name); conc_fc=mat_conc_prop[0]; materials[mat_name]={'mat_name':mat_name,'mat_type':mat_type, 'fc':conc_fc}; elif(mat_type=='Steel'): mat_steel_prop=SapModel.PropMaterial.GetOSteel_1(mat_name); steel_fy=mat_steel_prop[0]; steel_fu=mat_steel_prop[1]; materials[mat_name]={'mat_name':mat_name,'mat_type':mat_type, 'fy':steel_fy,'fu':steel_fu}; else: materials[mat_name]={'mat_name':mat_name,'mat_type':mat_type}; return materials;
def get_all_points(SapModel, inc_restraint=True)
This will return all the points of the model.
Parameters: SapModel : SapModel.Pointer inc_restraint : boolean (set True for restraints to be included to points list) units : str. Default to 'mm'
Returns: points : list (Points in current Etabs model). Elements in the points list if inc_restraint==False [pt_nm,x,y,z]. If inc_restraint==True the point element = [pt_nm,x,y,z,(FUx,FUy,FUz,FRx,FRy,FRz)]
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def get_all_points(SapModel,inc_restraint=True): """ This will return all the points of the model. Parameters: SapModel : SapModel.Pointer inc_restraint : boolean (set True for restraints to be included to points list) units : str. Default to 'mm' Returns: points : list (Points in current Etabs model). Elements in the points list if inc_restraint==False [pt_nm,x,y,z]. If inc_restraint==True the point element = [pt_nm,x,y,z,(FUx,FUy,FUz,FRx,FRy,FRz)] """ [numberPts,ptNames,ptX,ptY,ptZ,ptCsys]=SapModel.PointObj.GetAllPoints(); #initiate a temporary list to contain the restrained points data ptsRestraint=[]; if(inc_restraint==True): for i in range(numberPts): ptRestraintSA=SapModel.PointObj.GetRestraint(ptNames[i]); ptRestraint=ptRestraintSA[0]; ptsRestraint.append(ptRestraint); #Initiate the points list points=[] for i in range(numberPts): if(inc_restraint==True): points.append([ptNames[i],ptX[i],ptY[i],ptZ[i],ptsRestraint[i]]); else: points.append([ptNames[i],ptX[i],ptY[i],ptZ[i]]); # Define column names if inc_restraint: columns = ['Point Name', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Restraint'] else: columns = ['Point Name', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'] # Create a DataFrame from the list points_data = pd.DataFrame(points, columns=columns) return points_data
def get_story_data(SapModel)
returns: story_data (list). The is a nested list with each element consists of [story_nm,story_ele,story_hgt,is_master_story,similar_to,splice_above, splice_height]
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def get_story_data(SapModel): """ returns: story_data (list). The is a nested list with each element consists of [story_nm,story_ele,story_hgt,is_master_story,similar_to,splice_above, splice_height] """ #Get the data using API story_in=SapModel.Story.GetStories() #Separate the data to lists nos_stories=story_in[0]; story_nms=story_in[1]; story_eles=story_in[2]; story_hgts=story_in[3]; is_master_story=story_in[4]; similar_to_story=story_in[5]; splice_above=story_in[6]; splice_height=story_in[7]; # Create a dictionary to hold the data story_data_dict = { 'Name': story_nms[::-1], 'Elevation (in)': [round(ele, 3) for ele in story_eles[::-1]], 'Story height (in)': [round(hgt, 3) for hgt in story_hgts[::-1]], 'Master Story': is_master_story[::-1], 'Similar to': similar_to_story[::-1], 'Splice above': splice_above[::-1], 'Splice height': splice_height[::-1] } # Create a DataFrame from the dictionary story_data = pd.DataFrame(story_data_dict) return story_data